Falcona Continues with DHA
September 1, 2019Falcona receives an award to continue operations with the Defense Health Agency (DHA) in 2020 to provide program support, which includes project management, process improvement, curriculum development, academic counseling, and video training.
DFARS 7012 Compliance
January 1, 2018Falcona enhances its cybersecurity and data-handling safeguard protocols in compliance with the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204-7012, Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting.
TBPE Firm Registration
October 25, 2017Falcona is recognized as an Engineering Firm by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers (TBPE).
October 21, 2017Falcona is recognized by the San Antonio Business Council (SABOC) and receives an award for Excellence in Federal Contracting Support.
Falcona’s 1st Prime Contract
September 29, 2017Falcona receives two 8(a) awards which allows the company to expand their capabilities into video production and instructional development.
FIIS IDIQ Contract Award
August 29, 2017Falcona Intuitive Integrated Solutions, LLC (FIIS) lands IDIQ contract from the Robins Air Force Base to support the Munitions Handling Unit (MHU)-196/204 trailers. Falcona is the managing partner of the Joint Venture.
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
August 10, 2017Falcona receives the ISO 9001:2015 certification by demonstrating its ability to consistently provide products and services that meets customer and regulatory requirements while enhancing customer satisfaction. The ISO 9001:2015 is the most recent revision of the ISO 9000 standard. The ISO 9001:2015 certification and surveillance services have been provided by the National Standard Authority of Ireland.
SBA Approves 8(a) Joint Venture
December 16, 2016he Small Business Administration (SBA) approves Falcona Intuitive Integrated Solutions, LLC (FIIS) as an 8(a) Joint Venture effectively converting the JV into a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB).
Mentor-Protégé Established
June 30, 2016The SBA approves Falcona’s Mentor-Protégé Agreement (MPA) with Intuitive Research and Technology Corporation (INTUITIVE) to enhance the capabilities of Falcona and to improve Falcona’s ability to successfully compete for federal government contracts.
Joint Venture is Formed
March 27, 2016Falcona Intuitive Integrated Solutions, LLC (FIIS) is a joint venture between Falcona and INTUITIVE. The JV was formed to provide the federal government with a more robust offer for a lower price.
GSA Consolidated PSS Award
August 26, 2015Falcona is awarded the consolidated GSA Prime Contract in the Professional Services Schedule (PSS) incorporating MOBIS and PES GSA schedules providing additional flexibility and access to more opportunities.
SBA 8(a) Certification
February 24, 2015Falcona is a certified Participant in the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program on February 24, 2015
GSA Schedules (IT, MOBIS, PES)
February 10, 2015Falcona is awarded the General Purposes Commercial Information Technology (IT) Equipment, Software and Services schedule in February 10, 2015 and in February 24, 2015, Falcona is awarded the Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) and the Professional Engineering Services (PES) schedules.
Falcona Continues to Grow
December 6, 2014Falcona successfully conducted and documented an enterprise level business analyses and technical assessment of the U.S. Army Materiel Command’s (AMC’s) Arsenal System’s ability to meet its life cycle sustainment requirement – Rock Island Arsenal and Watervliet Arsenal.
Expand into Logistics Support
October 17, 2013Falcona received an award to provide logistics consulting, analysis, and training documentation to the USAF Forward Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Program (FPED) Office at Robins AFB.
Commercial Tech Transfer
July 5, 2013Falcona provided engineering and technology transfer services to commercialize technology developed for military applications.
Expands into Offering Training
November 8, 2012Falcona received its first training contract providing certification training in the following areas: Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, and Project Management Professional Certification.
AMCOM EXPRESS Subcontractor
May 1, 2011Falcona becomes a sub-contractor in two prime blanket purchase agreements (BPA) with the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) in the Programmatic and Technical Domains under the Expedited Professional & Engineering Support Services (EXPRESS) contract.
1st Commercial Award
March 17, 2011Falcona supported Kelly Logistics Support Services (KLSS) by performing an assessment of the U.S. Air Force Nuclear Enterprise on material tracking requirements and demonstrating technologies and information system capabilities that would enable the positive management and control of all nuclear weapons related materials throughout the enterprise.